Huawei CEO Speaks About New Services To Be Launched In Middle East

A new event held by Huawei has opened  in Dubai. All kinds and guests from all over the world have a chance to participate in this event. They have an opportunity to share their  views on conception of new technology, co-operation between various systems and electronic development.

Ken Ho, President of Huawei, presented a crucial report on the group discussion, calling on companies to use the revolutionary improvement of technology to foster digital transformation.

The new Cloud Service

Huawei Cloud services has been released recently along with other 3 innovative products: CCE Turbo, container engine; UCS, a popular cloud platform; and GaussDB. Four most important lines for software development have been discussed, as well as advances on information management, artificial intelligence development, and digital content creation were launched.

Huawei Cloud works with cooperators to create an Arabic NLP model that backs up  billions of variables. Modern cognition engineering gives a fast-paced way to contribute to the enrichment of industrial knowledge and artificial intelligence.

Jacqueline Chia, Head of Sales and Service Marketing at Huawei, indicated that the use of cloud technology is the central point to launching electronic technology and cloud computing is the path to technological changes.

The development of AI

President of Huawei Cloud Middle East, Frank Day, stated that he fully understands the importance of cloud technology to the digital economy. To get the most out of the cloud, you need to create a digital infrastructure. Mr. Frank Day.

This explains the value and potential of artificial intelligence in everyday reality. The President of Huawei Cloud Marketing, said that applications, data, artificial intelligence frameworks and electronic usage will be the main aim for companies in the future.

Companies main goals for the near future will be the development of cloud services and artificial intelligence to improve the overall business development and production efficiency as well as decrease the influence of human factors in the production process.

The creation and effective use of Artificial Intelligence will really change the way we perceive technology right now and might turn the world upside down. But it is definitely a great improvement in our technology and science.

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